Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Therapeutic properties of ginger

Ginger is a flourishing plant which belongs to the group Zingiberaceae. It is an important plant in natural medicine. Botanically, It is know as Zingiber officinale. It has a modified plant stem (Rhizome) which is a storehouse of medicinal phytochemicals. 

The active chemical constituent present in raw ginger is gingerol. In the course of boiling ginger, gingerol is transformed to zingerone (which is less spicy and sweet ). Dehydration of ginger converts gingerol into shogaol (more spicy than gingerol). Gingerol is responsible for the peppery effect and characteristic flavor of ginger.The color of ginger rhizome depends on its variety.

Over the years, healing and nutritional properties of ginger has been found noteworthy in conventional medicine. 

Therapeutic properties of Ginger Rhizome

Anti-emetic effect: Ginger has been found to be very effective in curtailing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It is exceptionally safe as only a small quantity is required. 

Gastrointestinal disorder: Ginger is an antidote for indigestion and other gastrointestinal disorders ranging from as simple stomach disorders to chronic ones. It aids digestion and its addition to garlic has been proven to be effective in curing gastrointestinal abnormalities such as dizziness and all motion related infirmities.

Increases the Immunity rate of the body: This refers to the ability of ginger to boost the rate at which the body is being protected from diseases. Owing to its spiciness, it helps the body to generate heat, thus acting as a sweat inducer. it also breaks down toxins in body organs.
Anti-inflammatory effect: Gingerols are effective in lessening pains and increasing flexibility around the joints of an arthritis patient. 

Anti-cancer properties: The phytochemical, gingerol, inhibits the growth of colorectal cancer cells and also induces apoptosis in ovarian cells. 

Antibacterial and anti fungal properties: Essential oil extracted from ginger is very potent in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infection.

Anti-pain effect: Ginger relieves pain by acting on the vanilloid receptors located on the sensory nerve endings thereby providing a soothing relief on pain pathway.

Prevents cardiac arrest and stroke: Regular consumption of ginger is capable of preventing and treating heart abnormalities and stroke

 Insulin sensitivity: It improves insulin sensitivity and helps to improve diabetic complications.

                                                  Types of processed ginger

  • Ginger tea

  • Ginger powder
  • Ginger essential oil

  • Fresh ginger (raw ginger)

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