Monday, 15 February 2016

Facts about antioxidants

A knowledge of oxidants is a prerequisite to understanding the nitty-gritty of antioxidants. Oxidant signifies a chemical substance that acts as an oxidizing agent (a chemical specie which removes an electrons from another species). Oxidants are normally produced during healthy cellular metabolism. Majority (98%) of the oxygen utilized by a cell is transformed to water. The remaining (2%) oxygen escapes as free radicals. 

These free radicals are unpaired electrons looking for electrons to pair up with. When they eventually pair up with electrons from other molecules they cause damage to such cells. these 2% free radicals are instrumentals to activities such as detoxification of toxins, modulation of inflammation, maintaining vascular tone and killing bacteria.

As much as the body needs some free radicals to function effectively,an overload of oxidants (free radicals) would result in cell damage. The ideal level of oxidants in the human body is never achieved and a portion of the oxidants go on a rampage damaging cell membranes,lipids, DNA etc. causing a significant cell defects or destruction. e.g some cancers, liver disease and heart disease etc

Thus the rate of oxidation in the human body can be stimulated by alcohol, sunlight, UV light, radiation, exposure to domestic pesticides and air freshener, deep fried and fatty foods,vehicular and industrial pollution, stress, smoking and other factors.

The aftermath of free radicals (Oxidants)

  • It destroys the nerve cells in the brain
  • It weakens the eye lens causing blindness and other eye related irregularities
  • Diseases such as asthma, diabetes, senile dementia (a process of brain degeneration)
  • It promotes adhesion of cholesterol to the artery walls thereby increasing the likelihood of a coronary heart disease
  • It speed up ageing process

However, to balance the oxidative state in cells, animals and plants maintain a complex system of overlapping antioxidant produced internally or obtained by food intake through ingestion. Thus, antioxidant is required by the body to deter the oxidation chain reaction of such cells.

An Antioxidant  impedes the oxidation of other molecules.In other words it terminates the oxidation chain reaction.They are extensively used in nutritional supplements and have been investigated for the prevention of heart disease, several cancer and other chronic diseases.

Occurrence of antioxidants in food sources
Antioxidants are available in provitamins(beta-carotene & carotenoids). Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, blue-green algae, carrots, apricots, lettuce.  

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