A migraine is a type of head-pain which is intense and continuous, generally followed by neurological warning signals.The searing discomfort caused by migraines can last for hours and as the case maybe, several days.
Migraine Cycle
Migraine emanate from high-strung aberrant neurons and germinal cells.Simply put, the excruciating pain is caused when non-naturally occurring neurons in the brain becomes impulsive. Reasons for this action include:
- Hypomagnesaemia (low magnesium)
- Abnormal calcium channels on the surface of the neuron
- Mitochondral irregularities
- Congenital brain chemical abnormalities

for sensation in the face and motor
functions such as biting and chewing) begins in the brain stem (towards the rear of the trigeminal nucleus) and pass through the teeth, face, eyes, forehead, blood vessels and sinuses. These movement give rise to excitable neurons.
Messages from the activated cells in the trigeminal nucleus of the brain stem causes the release of brain chemicals which causes inflammation and peripheral sensitization. As the invasion continues it maturate into central sensitization (pain response from stimuli which do not normally provoke pain).When central sensitization becomes advanced, it can affect areas beyond the head, and simple touch on the arms or shoulder can be perceived as painful.
Types of migraine

There are two main categories of migraine
Migraine without aura
This is the most common type migraine which affects one side of the brain. symptoms associated with this type of migraine are; confusion, excruciating headache, fatigue ,mood swing, blurred vision and high sensitivity to sound, smell and light. The regular use of symptomatic medications usually worsen this type of migraine.Migraine without aura attacks mostly last between four hours to three days and recurrent few times in a year.
Migraine with aura
This usually occur without an headache.It causes partial or total blindness.Other symptoms include: trouble speaking, muscle weakness, nausea, loss of appetite and abnormal sensation.
Other types of migraine include
- Hemiplegic migraine
- Migraine without headache
- Migraine with brain stem aura
- Retinal migraine
- Chronic migraine
Early migraine symptoms
Symptoms that occur few days before a migraine attack are
- Uncontrollable yawning
- Depression
- Stiffness around the neck
- Hyperactivity
- Irritability
- Food cravings
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Moderate to severe pain (often described as pounding, throbbing pain) that can affect the whole head, or can shift from one side of the head to the other
- Sensitivity to light, noise or odors
- Blurred vision
- Nausea or vomiting,stomach upset ,abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite
- Sensations of being very warm or cold
- Paleness
- Fever in rare cases
- Bright flashing dots or lights, blind spots, wavy or jagged lines
Migraine Triggers
- Ripened cheeses
- Chocolate
- Marinated, pickled, or fermented food
- Foods that contain nitrites or nitrates (bacon, hot dogs) or MSG (soy sauce, meat tenderizers, seasoned salt)
- Sour cream
- Nuts, peanut butter
- Sourdough bread
- Broad beans
- lima beans
- fava beans
- snow peas
- Raisins
- papayas, avocados, red plums
- Citrus fruits
- Excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, or cola
- Alcohol (including red wine and beer)
- Figs
- Citrus fruits
Food remedies for Migraine
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Baked potato |
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Water Melon |
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Spinach |
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Yogurt |
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Other Food Remedies
- Yellow vegetables, such as summer squash
- Cooked or dried non-citrus fruits
- Rice (brown rice)
- Cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, apples, bananas, peaches, or tomatoes)
- Water: Plain water or carbonated forms, such as Perrier,
- Cooked green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, or collards
- Cooked orange vegetables, such as carrots or sweet potatoes
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