Owing to its role in complex metabolic processes such as electron transport, DNA synthesis and transportation of oxygen ,Iron, is an indispensable element which is required for human survival. However, not all iron from food sources can be absorbed by the body. The generally approved daily allowance of Iron is 14mg while the adult daily requirement is 1.8mg. Substances such as Tanins and bran inhibit iron absorption. Thus, there is a need to identify food and fruit materials which have low tanins or bran but are rich source of iron that can be properly utilized by the body.
Iron defined.
- An essential component in haematopoiesis (blood production).
- It is one of the major constituents of hemoglobin
- It is concerned with the transformation of blood sugar to energy
- Enzyme production bank on iron
- Iron is required for proper functioning of the immune system
Insufficient iron results in weaken immunity, fatigue, dizziness and lack of required energy since conversion of blood sugar into energy would be altered.
Below is a list of iron rich foods
Lean beef
Chicken meat
For lovers of seafoods, here are some iron rich creatures
shell fish
And for veggies and fruit lovers, here are some super iron rich food
- Greens, all kinds

Lima Beans
waoh....love to read more of this...