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Friday, 26 February 2016

Water Melon : The nutrient reservoir

Citrullus vulgaris popularly referred to as  water melon is a member of the family curcurbitaceae. About 92% of its fruit is composed of water and sugar (fructose).  It is cultivated for its large and sumptuous fruit. Lycopene, a dynamic...

Allicin and Garlic

Allium Sativum commonly known as Garlic, belongs to the family Alliaceae and  genus Allium. It is widely known for its spicy and yummy taste, thus, promoting its use as seasoning in foods. Asides this, it is widely used in the treatment and prevention of different...

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Basics of Haemoglobin

Owing to its role in complex metabolic processes such as electron transport, DNA synthesis and transportation of oxygen ,Iron, is an indispensable element which is required for human survival. However, not all iron from food sources can be absorbed by the body. The generally...

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Therapeutic properties of ginger

Ginger is a flourishing plant which belongs to the group Zingiberaceae. It is an important plant in natural medicine. Botanically, It is know as Zingiber officinale. It has a modified plant stem (Rhizome) which is a storehouse of medicinal phytochemicals.  The active...

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Migraine and the brain

                                 Migraine A migraine is a type of head-pain which is  intense and continuous, generally followed by  neurological warning signals.The...