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Friday 26 February 2016

Water Melon : The nutrient reservoir

Citrullus vulgaris popularly referred to as  water melon is a member of the family curcurbitaceae. About 92% of its fruit is composed of water and sugar (fructose).  It is cultivated for its large and sumptuous fruit.

Lycopene, a dynamic carotenoid antioxidant which gives fruits and vegetables their characteristic bright colors (Pink and red) is highly concentrated in water melon 

Watermelon fruits are consumed as dessert, served cold and eaten in slices. Subsequent paragraphs explains the nutritional and health value of water  melon

Water melon is very effective for overcoming heat stress. It relieves restlessness, thirst and is a good diuretic which helps the liver transform ammonia and also aids the flow of urine
It also contains citrulline,  a type of amino acid which helps to reduce muscle pain

In addition , the whole fruit serves as fruit and vegetable as both its seed, juice and its bark are highly nutritious, more so, the back or rind of a water melon contains more blood building pigments and amino acid*(Citrulline) than the red juicy potion.

The kidney converts the phytochemical citrulline to arginine, an important for fighting pathogens, maintaining the immune system and cardiovascular membrane.

More so, since water melon is mainly composed of water, it keeps the body hydrated and prevents dehydration. Recent studies have shown that water melon has a lot of health benefits owing to the presence of excellent phytochemicals embedded in it. 

Image result for watermelon

It helps to relax the blood vessel and also enhances the supply of blood to appropriate channels, thereby improving erectal dysfunction.

In addition, citrulline inhibit the activity of Tissue non specific alkaline phosphate (TNAP),thus, preventing accumulation of excess body fat.

Lycopene also reduces the activity of two major bone cells involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. The presence of abundant potassium in water melon, helps to conserve calcium in the body which accounts for its capacity to support bones and joints development.

Apart from the presence of citrulline and lycopene, it is also rich in other phenolic compounds such as flavanoids and triterpenoids which neutralizes excess oxidant (free radicals) and lowers inflammation. In addition, it provides anti-inflammatory anchor by blocking the activity of cyclo-oxygenase enzymes.

Likewise the presence of beta carotene accounts for its ability to prevent night blindness and regulates skeletal and mucus cavities. The existence of Vitamin C in water melon explains its role in the development of new connective tissues.

Whats more , it serves as a skin and hair moisturizer and supports development of new collagen cells.

And as for gastroinestinal disorders such as indigestion. Water melon is just the right natural fruit remedy which aids digestion and ensures the digestive tract is well regulated.

Citrullus vulgaris is indeed a reservoir of beneficial nutrients needed by the body for regulation and maintenance of tissues, organs and systems.

Image result for watermelon plant

In like manner, presence of antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lycopene and cryptoxanthin has been found to safeguard against breast, lung, colon and pancreatic cancer thus protecting the body from free radical.

Best way to consume water melon is by eating it raw though most people prefer extracting the juice. 

Image result for watermelon plant

However, to get maximum satisfaction and nutrients ingrained in the plant, the whole fruit should be eaten. 

Allicin and Garlic

Allium Sativum commonly known as Garlic, belongs to the family Alliaceae and  genus Allium. It is widely known for its spicy and yummy taste, thus, promoting its use as seasoning in foods. Asides this, it is widely used in the treatment and prevention of different kinds of diseases. 

The nutritional and medicinal attributes of garlic can be traced to the presence of  a chemical compound called Alliin which is acted upon by allinase enzyme which converts alliin to allicin when garlic is being processed. Allicin has the following health benefit

It reduces fat deposition: It has very few calories and very rich in Vitamin B6, manganese and vitamin C, hence lowering fat accumulation.

It regulates lipoprotein and ensure its in a balanced state. it also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body.

It has antimicrobial characteristics which protects against pathogens. Especially highly resistant bacteria.Thus they are used for treating various infections. 
This feature makes garlic a mythical plant which helps to regulate the body response to infections

Antiviral : Studies have shown the potency of allium sativum against herpes  Two independent researchers found that garlic is able to protect  living organisms from influenza virus (Tsai et al 1985)virus and influenza B virus. 

Anticancer :Scientific studies have shown ,its anti-carcinogenic properties. this attribute can be traced to its anti anti mutagenic effect which is invariably triggered by the effect of Diallyl trisulphide (DATS) , a by-product of garlic 

Antifungal: The active compound Ajoene present in garlic inhibits the growth of fungal diseases.

Antiinflammatory: It serves as an analgesic which reduces pain and swelling. It improves bone health by increasing estrogen levels.

Anti thrombotic: Garlic is one out of many medicinal plants which reduces the formation of blood clots consequently preventing heart attack, stroke and other diseases which arises from thrombosis

Antioxidant: It contains antioxidants which helps to safeguard cells against impairment and ageing. Research has shown the efficacy of garlic in reducing oxidative stress and increasing antioxidant enzyme in humans. The age of garlic directly affects its antioxidant potential. simply put, the longer the garlic is aged, the more antioxidant effect it will have.

Prevents cardiovascular attack: A significant dose of garlic improves blood pressure. A more preferable way to ingest ginger is through supplements, as most people are allergic while some finds its pungent taste nauseating. 

Forms of garlic 

Garlic powder

Garlic oil

Garlic capsules

Raw or fresh garlic

Thursday 25 February 2016

Basics of Haemoglobin

Owing to its role in complex metabolic processes such as electron transport, DNA synthesis and transportation of oxygen ,Iron, is an indispensable element which is required for human survival. However, not all iron from food sources can be absorbed by the body. The generally approved daily allowance of Iron is 14mg while the adult daily requirement is 1.8mg. Substances such as Tanins and bran inhibit iron absorption. Thus, there is a need to identify food and fruit materials which have low tanins or bran but are rich source of iron that can be properly utilized by the body.

Iron defined.

  • An essential component in haematopoiesis (blood production).
  • It is one of the major constituents of hemoglobin
  • It is concerned with the transformation of blood sugar to energy
  • Enzyme production bank on iron
  • Iron is required for proper functioning of the immune system
As much as iron is absorbed in trace amount by the body depending on the type of iron. It can also be lost  through excretory processes such as sweating, fecal ejection, urine discharge,bleeding and the shedding of old skin

Insufficient iron results in weaken immunity, fatigue, dizziness and lack of required energy since conversion of blood sugar into energy would be altered. 
Below is a list of iron rich foods

Lean beef



Chicken meat

For lovers of seafoods, here are some iron rich creatures

shell fish


And for veggies and fruit lovers, here are some super iron rich food 


  • Greens, all kinds


Brussel sprout

  • Tomatoes

Green beans


Lima Beans

  • Tofu
  • Beets


Wednesday 24 February 2016

Therapeutic properties of ginger

Ginger is a flourishing plant which belongs to the group Zingiberaceae. It is an important plant in natural medicine. Botanically, It is know as Zingiber officinale. It has a modified plant stem (Rhizome) which is a storehouse of medicinal phytochemicals. 

The active chemical constituent present in raw ginger is gingerol. In the course of boiling ginger, gingerol is transformed to zingerone (which is less spicy and sweet ). Dehydration of ginger converts gingerol into shogaol (more spicy than gingerol). Gingerol is responsible for the peppery effect and characteristic flavor of ginger.The color of ginger rhizome depends on its variety.

Over the years, healing and nutritional properties of ginger has been found noteworthy in conventional medicine. 

Therapeutic properties of Ginger Rhizome

Anti-emetic effect: Ginger has been found to be very effective in curtailing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It is exceptionally safe as only a small quantity is required. 

Gastrointestinal disorder: Ginger is an antidote for indigestion and other gastrointestinal disorders ranging from as simple stomach disorders to chronic ones. It aids digestion and its addition to garlic has been proven to be effective in curing gastrointestinal abnormalities such as dizziness and all motion related infirmities.

Increases the Immunity rate of the body: This refers to the ability of ginger to boost the rate at which the body is being protected from diseases. Owing to its spiciness, it helps the body to generate heat, thus acting as a sweat inducer. it also breaks down toxins in body organs.
Anti-inflammatory effect: Gingerols are effective in lessening pains and increasing flexibility around the joints of an arthritis patient. 

Anti-cancer properties: The phytochemical, gingerol, inhibits the growth of colorectal cancer cells and also induces apoptosis in ovarian cells. 

Antibacterial and anti fungal properties: Essential oil extracted from ginger is very potent in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infection.

Anti-pain effect: Ginger relieves pain by acting on the vanilloid receptors located on the sensory nerve endings thereby providing a soothing relief on pain pathway.

Prevents cardiac arrest and stroke: Regular consumption of ginger is capable of preventing and treating heart abnormalities and stroke

 Insulin sensitivity: It improves insulin sensitivity and helps to improve diabetic complications.

                                                  Types of processed ginger

  • Ginger tea

  • Ginger powder
  • Ginger essential oil

  • Fresh ginger (raw ginger)

    Tuesday 23 February 2016

    Migraine and the brain



    migraine is a type of head-pain which is  intense and continuous, generally followed by  neurological warning signals.The searing  discomfort caused by migraines can last for  hours and as the case maybe, several days.
     Migraine Cycle

    Migraine emanate from high-strung aberrant neurons and germinal cells.Simply put, the excruciating pain is caused     when non-naturally occurring neurons in the brain becomes     impulsive. Reasons for this action include: 

    •        Hypomagnesaemia (low magnesium)
    •        Abnormal calcium channels on the surface of the neuron
    •        Mitochondral irregularities
    •        Congenital brain chemical abnormalities 
    Recent findings on migraine shows that the Glial cells (which provides support and protection for the neurons) also transmit pains.
    The trigeminal nerves (a nerve responsible 
    for sensation in the face and motor 
    functions such as biting and chewing) begins in the brain stem (towards the rear of the trigeminal nucleus) and pass through the teeth, face, eyes, forehead, blood vessels and sinuses. These movement give rise to excitable neurons.

    Messages from the activated cells in the trigeminal nucleus of the brain stem causes the release of brain chemicals which causes inflammation and peripheral sensitization. As the invasion continues it maturate into central sensitization (pain response from stimuli which do not normally provoke pain).When central sensitization becomes advanced, it can affect areas beyond the head, and simple touch on the arms or shoulder can be perceived as painful.

                                                         Types of migraine

    There are two main categories of migraine

    Migraine without aura 

    This is the most common type  migraine which affects one side of the brain. symptoms associated with this type of migraine are; confusion, excruciating headache, fatigue ,mood swing, blurred vision and high sensitivity to sound, smell and light. The regular use of symptomatic medications usually worsen this type of migraine.Migraine without aura attacks mostly last between four hours to three days and recurrent few times in a year.

    Migraine with aura

    This usually occur without an headache.It causes partial or total blindness.Other symptoms include: trouble speaking, muscle weakness, nausea, loss of appetite and abnormal sensation.

    Other types of migraine include
    1. Hemiplegic migraine
    2. Migraine without headache
    3. Migraine with brain stem aura
    4. Retinal migraine
    5. Chronic migraine
                                                 Early migraine symptoms

    Symptoms that occur few days before a migraine attack are
    • Uncontrollable yawning
    • Depression
    • Stiffness around the neck
    • Hyperactivity
    • Irritability
    • Food cravings
    • Constipation
                                          General symptoms include

    1. Fatigue
    2. Dizziness
    3. Moderate to severe pain (often described as pounding, throbbing pain) that can affect the whole head, or can shift from one side of the head to the other
    4. Sensitivity to light, noise or odors
    5. Blurred vision
    6. Nausea or vomiting,stomach upset ,abdominal pain 
    7. Loss of appetite
    8. Sensations of being very warm or cold
    9. Paleness
    10. Fever in rare cases
    11. Bright flashing dots or lights, blind spots, wavy or jagged lines 

                                              Migraine Triggers

    • Ripened cheeses
    • Chocolate
    • Marinated, pickled, or fermented food
    • Foods that contain nitrites or nitrates (bacon, hot dogs) or MSG (soy sauce, meat tenderizers, seasoned salt)
    • Sour cream
    • Nuts, peanut butter
    • Sourdough bread
    • Broad beans
    • lima beans
    • fava beans 
    • snow peas
    • Raisins
    • papayas, avocados, red plums
    • Citrus fruits
    • Excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, or cola
    • Alcohol (including red wine and beer)
    • Figs
    • Citrus fruits
                                                     Food remedies for Migraine

    Baked potato

    Water Melon



                                                   Other Food Remedies 
    • Yellow vegetables, such as summer squash
    • Cooked or dried non-citrus fruits
    • Rice (brown rice)
    • Cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, apples, bananas, peaches, or tomatoes)
    • Water: Plain water or carbonated forms, such as Perrier, 
    • Cooked green vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, or collards
    • Cooked orange vegetables, such as carrots or sweet potatoes